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The Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership (GLNP) is formed of over 40 organisations from public, private and third sector bodies from across the county, all working together to recognise the importance of embedding nature's value in local decisions for the benefit of nature, people and the economy. Our partnership provides a strong and innovative voice for the environment sector. Local Nature Partnerships are seen by Defra as the key figure in the local delivery of the Government's 25 Year Environment Plan.



Our Partners

Find out more about the Partnership, what we do and who our partners are.


Our Projects

We support many projects led by our wide and varied partnership.


Our Board

We're governed by an independent Chair and a Board of senior decision-makers and industry leaders.

The Partnership came into being in response to the Government’s 2011 Natural Environment White Paper, The Natural Choice: Securing the Value of Nature, along with 47 other LNPs in England. The common purpose of England’s family of LNPs, as set out by Defra in 2011, is to:

  • Drive positive change in the local natural environment, taking a strategic view of the challenges and opportunities involved and identifying ways to manage it as a system for the benefit of nature, people and the economy.

  • Contribute to achieving the Government’s national environmental objectives locally, including the identification of local ecological networks, alongside addressing local priorities.

  • Become local champions influencing decision-making relating to the natural environment and its value to social and economic outcomes, in particular, through working closely with local authorities, Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs).


Gloucestershire has grown to encompass a diverse partnership all of which are active within the administrative county of Gloucestershire. We work together to coordinate activities across the county, pool resources and share ideas. The partnership also works collaboratively with other LNPs, neighbouring and beyond, to influence change and drive positive decision making relating to the local and national environment.


As part of the team, we have funded a full-time Partnership Manager who works on behalf of all partners, supported by the Board and an independent Chair, to deliver and advise on matters relating to the natural environment and public policy. The Board meets six times a year, with the wider partnership meeting via various forums and events hosted throughout the year, as well as collaborating on the many projects we have facilitated - find out more about these in the Projects section here >>


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