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Biodiversity Net Gain: Consultation

On 2 December the government launched a consultation to seek views on how we can improve the planning system in England to protect the environment (via biodiversity net gain) and build places to live and work.

Biodiversity Net Gain is the ambitious method for developers to ensure they make adequate provisions for habitats and wildlife that leaves them in a measurably better state than they were before development. This proposed standardisation is said to provide a mandatory approach for developers, giving clarity and certainty over how to improve the environment whilst delivering the high volume of housing the country needs.

Developers would be required to make assessments on the type of habitat and condition before submitting plans and demonstrate how they will improve biodiversity – such as through the creation of green corridors, tree planting and high quality green infrastructure.

Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, said:

“Our commitment to protecting and enhancing our natural world can go hand in hand with our ambition to build more high-quality homes. Mandating biodiversity net gain puts the environment at the heart of planning and development. This will not only create better places for people to live and work, but ensure we leave our environment in a better state for future generations.”

This consultation closes at 11:45pm on 10 February 2019

If you plan to make a response to this consultation, please do let us know and encourage others to do so too.

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