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Creating a Green Gloucestershire for 2050

Updated: Sep 26, 2018

In July 2018, the partnership ran an interactive workshop for all members to debate and discuss the ideas and ambitions presented in the Gloucestershire 2050 Vision - a county-wide conversation to explore ideas and shape our long-term future together. We collated all the ideas generated during our workshop and compiled a response to the consultation.

The world is changing fast and we can’t let Gloucestershire get left behind. Big ideas are needed to make the most of our county’s assets whilst retaining young talent and attracting new jobs and investment.

We all want to make Gloucestershire great, yet we all know that nothing can be achieved without a healthy environment underpinning it all. As the Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership, our response sought to create a ‘Green Gloucestershire’ that acknowledges nature as one of its biggest assets; has strong connections between town, city and the countryside; where nature-rich green space penetrates towns, and accessibility to the landscape is easy no matter where you live.

The next 30 years will be critical to protect our biodiversity and promote the beauty and significant value our environment brings to our people for their health and well-being. We aspire for a future where transportation is not driven by fossil fuels but by green energy; where walking and cycling are the primary transport options; where natural growth is the driver to prosperity; where green-tech and ethical business practices underpin our society, and; where green infrastructure and environmental net-gain are part of everyday development. This approach will attract and retain young people, address the issues surrounding our ageing population, boost the local economy and create a healthier, happier community.

If you wish to read the full text you can download it here:

Gloucestershire 2050 Consultation Response - Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership

The consultation ran from 1 February 2018 to 31 July 2018. A full report on the exercise plus next steps in the creation of a vision for Gloucestershire in 2050 is currently expected to be published towards the end of October.

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