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ERDF PA6 Workshop - 27th February

There is another round of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) expected late spring 2019 and Gloucestershire has c£700k of ERDF left under Priority Axis 6, the thematic area of ERDF relating to Preserving and Promoting the Environment.

Standard requirements for an ERDF application is a minimum project value of £1m, with a minimum £500k ERDF contribution. However, we have worked with the Ministry for Housing, Communities, and Local Government (MHCLG), which manage and distribute the ERDF funds, to agree a minimum project value of £700k with a minimum ERDF contribution of £350k for the PA6 spring call. This is great news for those who have slightly smaller projects in mind. Of course, if there is a project that materialises with £700k match who wants to apply for the whole amount, that would still be OK with MHCLG too.

We are pleased that it seems there are quite a number of people already considering bids, project ideas include:

  • A project around Gloucester to supplement the urban connectivity work done by others;

  • A Cotswold road verges sustainable drainage project around key settlements;

  • Projects to improve the biodiversity of key active travel routes in Gloucester and Cheltenham and to improve biodiversity in key routes to schools;

  • Extensions to existing ERDF project activities.

Free Workshop at 2.30pm on 27th February at the Growth Hub, Oxstalls Campus (booking required)

Want to learn more about how your organisation could benefit from ERDF funding and hear more about what might be involved? Please attend the next PA6 workshop, being hosted by ERDF Technical Assistant team members; Roger Mortlock (CEO of Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust and Vice Chair of Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership) and Suzannah Newham (Project Manager at Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust).

The workshop will:

  • set out the parameters of the proposed spring call;

  • provide a reminder of the ERDF application, selection, and project management processes;

  • provide lessons learned from current PA6 ERDF grant recipients;

  • offer an opportunity to discuss proposed/potential project ideas;

  • conclude with a Q&A session around the suitability and strength of proposed project ideas and how to best approach the application process.

There will of course be refreshments and sweet treats to keep us going…

Please book your place, no later than 3pm on Monday, 25th February 2019, by emailing: Please also email to let Suzannah know if you would like more information and support regarding the proposed ERDF PA6 Spring Call, but are unable to attend the workshop – we will look at running a second workshop if there is enough interest.

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