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The GLNP is an organisation that supports its network to deliver projects and initiatives that place nature at the heart of decision-making and help communities and individuals forge better connections with the natural environment. Below are just some of the projects the partnership has supported or been involved in over the past few years. Click on the image to find out more, read the reports, or participate in the project.

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Local Nature Recovery Strategy

Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are a new system of spatial strategies for nature, covering the whole of England. A LNRS will be produced for Gloucestershire by the County Council with lots of help from the Local Nature Partnership members as well as anyone with an interest in our natural environment.

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Interim position on Biodiversity Net Gain for Gloucestershire 

All of Gloucestershire's district and county local authorities and the LNP have worked together to develop Interim guidance on delivering biodiversity net gain for planning applicants and developers in Gloucestershire.

Planning Travels

Ecosystem and Natural Capital Mapping

We are developing a map which will show the relative value of Natural Capital in the county, and where opportunities exist to enhance ecosystem services. 


Nature Map

A strategic approach to showing the best places to maintain and extend terrestrial habitats at a county scale. A spatial tool for Planners and Local Authorities.

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Nature on Prescription Funding 2023

Thanks to a significant investment of £100,000 from Gloucestershire NHS Integrated Care Board, Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership has made grants to enable three organisations to deliver green social prescribing projects to address health inequalities.


Green Infrastructure 

Green infrastructure is a network of multi-functional green space and other green features, urban and rural, which can deliver quality of life and environmental benefits for communities. Covid has highlighted the importance of this for our health and wellbeing.


Gloucestershire Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP)

Whilst the BAP ceased to be in 2012, the last iteration from 2000 has been archived here. The framework was subsumed by the GLNP as Nature Map, which is now being reworked into the new Nature Recovery Network.

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Gloucestershire Nature and Climate Fund

GLNP and GFirst LEP established a fund to leveage investment in natural solutions to the ecological and climate emergencies. GNCF delivers off-site biodiversity net gain, and will help local authorities and businesses get to net zero, while enhancing quality of life and the resilience of our wonderful county.

Sunset in the Woods

Nature Recovery Network

As part of supporting Defra to deliver the 25 Year Environmental Plan locally, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust have produced a local Nature Recovery Network map which shows spatial distribution of habitats connectivity, resilience and opportunity for enhancement.


Nature Improvement Areas

Landscape-scale initiatives aimed to ensure land is used sustainably to achieve multiple benefits for people, wildlife and the local economy. 


Gloucestershire 2050 Vision

We hosted a partnership workshop in response to the Glos2050 Vision. We collated many opinions and ideas to create a new vision - a Green Gloucestershire fit for the future.


Gloucestershire Nature-Based Project Map


Local Industrial Strategy

We worked closely with the LEP to ensure that the industrial strategy prioritises the natural environment, and support their natural capital approach to growth.

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Build Back Better

We coordinated the Envirnoment and Climate Action Group to produce an evidence and actions report to guide a clean, green and just recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

This tool will help us identify spatially where all environmental activities are occurring across the county, what goals of the 25 YEP we are delivering, encourage collaboration and sharing of best practice. Submit your project now!

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